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About us

Meet Annie, the sole reason & inspiration as to why our Doggy / Kitty Stairs / Ramps & Furniture was born: Once Upon a dusty March day 2011, in a town not too far away, to be exact, Walkerville, Vereeniging a Sweet Mommy Dogzster gave life to three of the most Adorable Little Angels.  One of them ANNIE.

Annie adopted from IARC came home on 18 July 2011.  As a true Irwins Angel she is named after Anne Cronje,  Founder, of IARC.

Soon, we realized that Annie is not going to grow much taller than she is.  At a tender  age of 1year 6months, standing a huge 12cm’s tall , it presented a huge problem when you need to go places, do things………………….Like take a nap on your “Human Mommy & Daddy’s” bed and see things…………………like, what the other Four Legged Furry Kidz are up to on the ever so heavenly bed, and so, lucky for Sweetie-heart Little Annie her Daddy is a Super Hero Handyman of note.


The Daddy made a set of Doggy Stairs especially for Annie, and the rest, they say,

And so, Pet Pawesome Cumfies & Spoils came about.

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